Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 2

Today went really well!! I redid the spots on the rug where the kids sit, that made a huge difference.
I also introduced "smarties" (candy) and told them that if they can remember where their carpet spot is, they are super smart - so they earn a smartie.
Boy- did that work!!
We did centers and they did much better at staying in their center.  Still a fair amount of wandering and "I'm done", but we are working on building that stamina, so all in all, pretty good.
(BTW - all of the centers are play centers - playdough, home, legos, beans, manipulatives, etc)

My goal for tomorrow - take pictures!!!
And write 4 IEP's for the new students I am getting next week.  Busy, busy :)

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with your IEPS, I cant wait until you have some pictures on your blog!! :)
