Saturday, October 20, 2012

Help for me - help for you too

So I have been searching -and searching the blogs and googling till my eyes are google-ey.
What am I searching for, you ask?? Books. Great, fabulous, engaging read alouds.  Books that help me teach a CCSS concept - whether reading, math, writing - whatever.

So I ask all of you - what are your favorite books? 
I would love to have a theme-type list.  Is there a place to find this?  Does anyone have some suggestions of some books I can add to my library?
Thanks in advance for the info.

Hope all is well on this chilly Saturday nite in Florida

Monday, October 8, 2012

Freebies, cont'd

Okay - so I am actually (somewhat) figuring out google docs.
So here are some more freebies

Find the A's

apple number order puzzle

spider pages -various  (for the spider pages, I included some of the graphics /tens frames/letters needed to make the "answer card".  I print the spiders or webs on colored paper, then add the letters/tens frames and mount on cardstock)

Hope they are helpful!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Apple Fun and Freebies

We just wrapped up our two week long apple unit Friday, Sept 28th.  We graphed the apples we brought to school (by color), had a taste test and graphed our favorite apple to eat and even made crock-pot applesauce - the overwhelming majority of the kids said "ick!!" (guess I wont be making that recipe again)

I have been hving a hard time trying to upload my apple freebies. Of course that hard drive is at school this weekend, so I am going to try and upload some spider freebies.

Hope it works!!

Spider Counting

spider web letters and numbers

If this works I do have a bunch more I need to upload.